Six on Saturday 5/01/2019

For my first SOS I have decided to feature the evergreens in my garden, the oldest of which were here before me i.e planted pre 1993. Mid winter is their time to shine and come spring they will retire modestly into the background, merely props and scenery again.

1. Camellia (Donation)

Not a particularly loved specimen (I did not plant it and its been very shaded and ignored for years) but she does shine in the sun and has some juicy buds this year.


2. Yew


A slow growing blob that had a smart haircut this summer.

3. Holly

I love this varigated holly. It was smothered in berries before Christmas and looks good all year.


4. Choisya (dazzler)

This is lovely now with the shiny delicate leaves and in summer with its white flowers


5. Sarcococca confusa

I planted this by the front door 3 years ago and I think it has made enough growth to wack out some good fragrance when the flowers come out in a few days.


6. A trio of evergreens (yew, euonymus and box) along the front garden boundary

What it says on the tin


If you would like to see some more peoples’ places and plants go to the Propagator’s site via this link the Propagator

10 thoughts on “Six on Saturday 5/01/2019

  1. Welcome to the SoS group and a look around your garden. I’d love to see those two black hens at some point 🙂
    Sarcococca confusa has the most amazing smell from quite a distance. I really must get one for next to my front door, but it will have to be in a container as I have no borders there.


  2. Poor old “not a particularly loved specimen” Camellia ‘Donation’. Such a good variety and raised in Sussex too. Your Sarcococca is looking good, I must go check on mine.


    1. Actually I’m surprised it grows here at all because we’re within spitting distance of the south downs. I can see Jack and Jill windmills from my kitchen. By the way I always read your blog with interest.


  3. Welcome to SoS. I liked your evergreens very much as I don’t have enough in my garden to shine during the winter. It must be quite a job to trim them.


    1. Thanks Jane. I confess I really don’t do any fussing with them apart from the box annual trim. They are so slow growing however we were forced to employ a professional to do the three at the front last year because our council complained they were encroaching on the pavement so I felt duly chastised. It’s fascinating to see your high summer plants in our winter!


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